Wednesday, March 24, 2010

New Pitch: props as people part 2

Aesthetics: Since there will be no dialogue throughout the film all the reactions of the characters will be making noises such as mumbling and grunting. I want the sound to be very dramatic in some areas, especially in the climax of the story such as orchestral themes. The lighting will be high contrast like for instance in the beginning when the lonely can is going about his life in the kitchen, I want to often cast him with a heavy shadow while other items seem to be highlighted. The camera frame will have to be handled in a manner so that when a character is reacting to something, i.e. frightened, he will need to shake but the means of shaking him (a wire or hand) will be filmed out of the shot and while edit cut to a wide shot. To demonstrate the cans moving they will roll around on a surface instead of mimic walking by bouncing. Again I feel that overall sound will be the key to this piece and will have to be handled closely.

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