Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Art DiFuria lecture

First of all I enjoyed this lecture because it was spaced out evenly with humor which is always good for an art history lecture. I think I misunderstood what the lecture was supposed to be about because I assumed it would be some sort of argument about European art in general but actually he only focused on one man. DiFuria focused on Van Hanskirk who spent most of his time painting Roman ruins. It was interesting to see how he depicted what considered the highest of human achievements in ruins to illustrate that all physical things will end. He was apparently also a illustrator and would translate many of his sketches and paintings into etches and prints. It was interesting to see in one painting, Van Hanskirk included a self portrait sketching out the building featured in the painting. All in all in wasn't what was expected but that turned out to be a good thing to me.

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