Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Pitch Project

I've been thinking about our society's relationship with food lately. It seems more unhealthy than ever and I was thinking about what we really put into our bodies and how they can affect us. My proposal is about a teenage girl, Lauren, sitting at home playing video games one night. She previously purchased a really cheap, brightly colored (and cleverly marketed) bag of chips at a store. While consuming said chips she starts slowly hallucinating, first with hearing some strange noises, the colors in her television changing drastically, and finally when she goes to the bathroom, she sees spots. After sleeping off the effects, she realizes that the chips were the cause of her problems. She finds a strange ingredient listed on the bag and looks it up online to discover that it has hallucinogen-like side-effects. While she's online a chat window opens up. A friend of hers that off-screen had been with her when she purchased the chips asks her how they were. Lauren replies that it "was only a $1.50 for the worst day of your life." and that to "next time read the label."

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